Equip line managers to understand what impacts the employment relationship and up-skill them to manage employee conduct and performance issues, including navigating a disciplinary hearing.
Upskill managers involved in participating in hearings (as internal chairperson, initiator or witness)
Upskilling leaders on the new workplace harassment laws adopted in South Africa, with a particular emphasis on investigating harassment claims and maintaining a workplace free of harassment.
Overview of workplace harassment laws particularly how to maintain a workplace free of harassment.
A training program aimed at upskilling the members of an employer’s Employment Equity Forum to be informed and function as competent members of the Forum
An introduction to the key elements and obligations arising from the Employment Equity Act 1998, including key steps and an explanation of relevant terminology
Outlining the fundamentals of managing teams in a manner that increases their achievements and engagement
To assist managers and team leaders to competently address employee absenteeism, including unplanned leave and long-term medical incapacity
To enable senior leaders to understand the requirements of South Africa’s privacy legislation and steps to ensure compliance
To allow all members of the organisation to understand the key concepts of privacy laws, how to avoid data breaches and how to access their data
Practical tips for team members addressing internal / external communication and understanding / addressing workplace conflict
Implementing OKRs to achieve your strategic planning objectives
40 Second Avenue, Claremont
Cape Town, South Africa, 7708
Tel : 076 299 7807
Fax : 086 689 6815
Line Managers have a better understanding of the legal requirements and obligations when addressing employee performance and conduct. They also have a better grasp on employment terms and policy requirements and overall, are both more willing and more able to manage employee issues.
Line Managers have a better understanding of the legal requirements and obligations involved in hearings. The practical tips they receive during the training and the experience of being involved in a mock hearing allows for a far deeper appreciation of what’s required and ability to apply that knowledge.
Senior leaders develop an understanding of harassment laws and in particular, the new key concepts. They are also able to draw upon the learnings to promote good behaviour and appropriately respond to bullying, harassment or discrimination complaints.
Employees obtain a broad understanding of the harassment laws, can discuss key concepts and appreciate what type of behaviour is prohibited at the workplace.
Forum members have a broad understanding of the Employment Equity Act, the requirements of an employment equity plan and the obligations in employment equity reporting. With the benefit of the training, they can function as effective Forum members.
Employees have a basic understanding of the Employment Equity Act, the obligations on a designated employer and when to raise issues with Forum members.
Managers understand the steps to create a high performance culture in their organisation and an appreciation of the tools used to achieve that outcome.
Managers are able to appropriate address workplace absenteeism and reduce its impact and effects.
Managers understand the purpose and obligations arising from POPIA and the steps they need to implement to ensure their organisation is compliant.
Employees have a basic understanding of POPIA, know what type of personal information is collected, how it can be accessed and what obligations their employer has to safeguard their personal information.
Attendees appreciate the benefits of great communication, and have learnt skills assist their efforts. They also develop the understanding to recognise and deal with workplace conflict.
Managers develop goals that are tailored to their needs and a plan to ensure the goals are tracked and achieved.