Our Training Options


Employee relations for line managers

Equip line managers to understand what impacts the employment relationship and up-skill them to manage employee conduct and performance issues, including navigating a disciplinary hearing.


Investigating, initiating and chairing disciplinary hearings

Upskill managers involved in participating in hearings (as internal chairperson, initiator or witness)


Harassment in the workplace (leaders)

Upskilling leaders on the new workplace harassment laws adopted in South Africa, with a particular emphasis on investigating harassment claims and maintaining a workplace free of harassment.


Harassment in the workplace (all staff)

Overview of workplace harassment laws particularly how to maintain a workplace free of harassment.


Fundamentals of Employment Equity (Forum)

A training program aimed at upskilling the members of an employer’s Employment Equity Forum to be informed and function as competent members of the Forum


Fundamentals of Employment Equity (all staff)

An introduction to the key elements and obligations arising from the Employment Equity Act 1998, including key steps and an explanation of relevant terminology


Managing High Performance Teams

Outlining the fundamentals of managing teams in a manner that increases their achievements and engagement


Managing Employee Absenteeism & Incapacity

To assist managers and team leaders to competently address employee absenteeism, including unplanned leave and long-term medical incapacity


Privacy in the Workplace

To enable senior leaders to understand the requirements of South Africa’s privacy legislation and steps to ensure compliance


Privacy in the Workplace (all staff)

To allow all members of the organisation to understand the key concepts of privacy laws, how to avoid data breaches and how to access their data


Communication and conflict resolution in the workplace

Practical tips for team members addressing internal / external communication and understanding / addressing workplace conflict


Implementing OKRs in your workplace

Implementing OKRs to achieve your strategic planning objectives

Clients we've worked with


  • Unpack laws that impact the employment relationship
  • Discuss the differences between employee performance and employee conduct issues
  • Outline how managers should address employee poor performance
  • Discuss the terms and conditions in the employment agreement and key workplace policies
  • Map the processes for formal disciplinary action
  • Outline the various roles and procedures at a disciplinary hearing 
  • Concludes with a mock disciplinary hearing in which the participants get experience in the processes they should follow


Line Managers have a better understanding of the legal requirements and obligations when addressing employee performance and conduct.  They also have a better grasp on employment terms and policy requirements and overall, are both more willing and more able to manage employee issues.


  • Unpack laws relating to employee dismissal
  • Map the processes for formal disciplinary action
  • Discuss what evidence should be gathered in an disciplinary investigation
  • Outline the various roles at a disciplinary hearing 
  • Summarise some of the key case law about employee dismissal
  • Concludes with a mock disciplinary hearing in which the participants get experience in the processes they should follow


Line Managers have a better understanding of the legal requirements and obligations involved in hearings.   The practical tips they receive during the training and the experience of being involved in a mock hearing allows for a far deeper appreciation of what’s required and ability to apply that knowledge.


  • Overview of the new workplace harassment laws and comparison with the old harassment laws
  • Discussion of what constitutes harassment at the workplace
  • Discussion of what constitutes bullying at the workplace
  • Outline of addressing sexual harassment and racial harassment at the workplace
  • The role and function of an employer’s Harassment Policy
  • Best practice when investigating harassment claims
  • Overview of recent case law on harassment at the workplace


Senior leaders develop an understanding of harassment laws and in particular, the new key concepts. They are also able to draw upon the learnings to promote good behaviour and appropriately respond to bullying, harassment or discrimination complaints.


  • Overview of the new workplace harassment laws and comparison with the old harassment laws
  • Discussion of what constitutes harassment at the workplace
  • Discussion of what constitutes bullying at the workplace
  • Dos and Don’ts of harassment at the workplace
  • FAQs about harassment at the workplace
  • How to report harassment at the workplace
  • The role and function of an employer’s Harassment Policy


Employees obtain a broad understanding of the harassment laws, can discuss key concepts and appreciate what type of behaviour is prohibited at the workplace. 


  • Overview of the Employment Equity Act 1998
  • Aims and purposes of employment equity
  • The role of the Employment Equity Forum
  • “Consultation” and representing constituents
  • The content of an employment equity plan
  • Setting numerical goals and targets
  • Outline of “affirmative action” measures
  • Requirements for employment equity reporting
  • Complying with upcoming sectoral targets


Forum members have a broad understanding of the Employment Equity Act, the requirements of an employment equity plan and the obligations in employment equity reporting.   With the benefit of the training, they can function as effective Forum members.


  • Overview of the Employment Equity Act 1998
  • Aims and purposes of employment equity
  • Employment equity: fact vs fiction
  • The content of an employment equity plan
  • Outline of “affirmative action” measures
  • The employer’s requirements to submit employment equity reports
  • When to approach Employment Equity Forum members


Employees have a basic understanding of the Employment Equity Act, the obligations on a designated employer and when to raise issues with Forum members.


  • The employee performance cycle – define, monitor, appraise and develop performance
  • Tools to utilise at each step of the performance cycle
  • Leadership styles that improve team performance
  • Tapping into employee motivation and the use of the will / skill matrix
  • Addressing employee poor performance; performance counselling processes and incapacity hearings


Managers understand the steps to create a high performance culture in their organisation and an appreciation of the tools used to achieve that outcome.


  • Outline of the sick leave and medical certificate provisions in the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 
  • Outline of the guidelines in cases of dismissal arising from ill health or injury in Schedule 8 of the Labour Relations Act
  • Tips and processes to reducing employee absenteeism
  • Convening and conducting an incapacity hearing


Managers are able to appropriate address workplace absenteeism and reduce its impact and effects.


  • Overview  and obligations arising from the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”)
  • Overview  and obligations arising from the Promotion of Access to Information Act (“PAIA”)
  • Key concepts in POPIA
  • Documents and processes for POPIA compliance
  • Role of the POPIA Policy
  • Data protection and IT processes
  • Employee requests for data
  • Implications for non-compliant organisations


Managers understand the purpose and obligations arising from POPIA and the steps they need to implement to ensure their organisation is compliant.


  • Overview of the Protection of Personal Information Act (“POPIA”)
  • Key concepts in POPIA
  • Overview and compliance with workplace policies dealing with employees
  • Dos and Don’ts of handling data
  • Submitting requests for access to your data


Employees have a basic understanding of POPIA, know what type of personal information is collected, how it can be accessed and what obligations their employer has to safeguard their personal information.


  • Great communication: do’s and don’ts and best practices
  • Case studies – what to do and what not to do when communicating within the team
  • Understanding the sources of workplace conflict
  • Destructive vs productive conflict
  • Aggravators / problems in managing conflict
  • Tips for managing conflict 
  • Internal versus external conflict


Attendees appreciate the benefits of great communication, and have learnt skills assist their efforts.   They also develop the understanding to recognise and deal with workplace conflict.


  • The role of OKRs in executing plans
  • Understanding Objectives 
  • Understanding Key Results
  • Check-in and feedback processes
  • Dos and Don’ts of OKRs
  • Let’s set the OKRs!


Managers develop goals that are tailored to their needs and a plan to ensure the goals are tracked and achieved.